



Most wanted Features

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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Category
81427 Feature New Could have Acces List > Expand All Accordeons Backend User Interface Actions
88908 Feature New Could have Add "migration wizard" when changing CType of content elements Backend User Interface Actions
86222 Feature New Could have Add "register" parameter to Fluid viewhelper "cObject" Fluid Actions
72306 Feature In Progress Could have Add a additional vars hook in the View Module Backend API Actions
62866 Feature New Could have Add additional features to "lightbox" click enlarge link Fluid Styled Content Actions
82993 Feature New Could have Add custom processing API for TCEMAIN.preview Link Handling, Site Handling & Routing Actions
83395 Feature New Could have Add error handling for finishers Form Framework Actions
87694 Feature Accepted Could have Add identity property to TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Template\Components\Buttons\AbstractButton Backend API Actions
52231 Feature New Could have Add new validator for equality between two values Extbase Actions
84975 Feature New Could have Add option to BE SplitButton component to right align dropdown items Backend User Interface Actions
68202 Feature New Could have Add option to keep user/group permissons when importing pages Import/Export (T3D) Actions
97563 Feature New Could have Add rendering option to `select` fields to hide them if only 1 value selectable FormEngine aka TCEforms Actions
88811 Feature New Could have Allow the use of variable from a actioncontroller in section "headerAssets" and "footerAssets" Extbase Actions
97991 Feature New Could have Allow unset variables in site configuration Actions
97753 Feature New Could have Backend module upgrade task Backend User Interface Actions
47850 Feature Accepted Could have Better BE preview for tt_content.type=shortcut (linked CE) Backend User Interface Actions
85157 Feature New Could have Change Title tag / Favicon per BE module Backend User Interface Actions
80961 Feature New Could have Check if system allows fileCreateMask 0660 Install Tool Actions
81676 Feature New Could have CKeditor - set table classes only in YAML file without adjusting lib.parseFunc_RTE settings RTE (rtehtmlarea + ckeditor) Actions
89951 Feature New Could have Cleanup task for DeleteUploads finisher Form Framework Actions
86548 Feature New Could have Copy / paste Frontend URL and open in Backend AdminPanel Actions
31969 Feature Accepted Could have cropHTML, dynamic max number of chars TypoScript Actions
84579 Feature New Could have Custom Flash Messages for Form Editor Form Framework Actions
44001 Feature Accepted Could have Enhance usability of Web / Access in the BackEnd Backend User Interface Actions
103266 Feature New Could have EXT:form Improvement: Introduce Possibility for Validators at form level Form Framework Actions
102979 Feature New Could have EXT:form Improvement: Make list of forms sortable and filterable Form Framework Actions
75572 Feature New Could have Filetype icons - add missing common filetype icons Frontend Actions
87117 Feature Accepted Could have FormEngine: disable/hide not used/necessary form elements fields automatically based on site configuration Link Handling, Site Handling & Routing Actions
80212 Feature New Could have Idea: move some database stored config to files System/Bootstrap/Configuration Actions
83962 Feature New Could have Idea: Presets for backend rights Backend User Interface Actions
103154 Feature New Could have Ignore tables during database analysis Install Tool Actions
57417 Feature New Could have ImageViewHelper responsive Images Fluid Actions
55508 Feature New Could have Implement CSRF Protection in Extbase URI builder and request handler Extbase Actions
5718 Feature New Could have Implement File upload support Extbase Actions
85939 Feature New Could have Implement integrity-argument for link-tags in includeCSS TypoScript Actions
82959 Feature New Could have Improve the appearance of tabs in mobile devices using "priority navigation" pattern Backend User Interface Actions
61189 Feature Accepted Could have Install Tool: add example for systemLocale Install Tool Actions
96648 Feature Accepted Could have Let users choose the BE language on login Backend User Interface Actions
19443 Feature New Could have Localization of IRRE-children for n:m relations with useCombination=1 DataHandler aka TCEmain Actions
87091 Feature New Could have Localize Installtool Install Tool Actions
81356 Feature New Could have Make hostname work like IP address in devIPmask setting System/Bootstrap/Configuration Actions
103072 Feature New Could have Manage translation DB fields Code Cleanup Actions
88398 Feature New Could have MenuProcessor with support for language menus respecting a detailview for a record Link Handling, Site Handling & Routing Actions
67750 Feature New Could have Page view > Dropdown to quick create most used content Backend User Interface Actions
78655 Feature New Could have Present "clear all caches" as only option when site is in Development context Caching Actions
76700 Feature New Could have Provide info to editor about current edited data record directly in the interface Backend User Interface Actions
83134 Feature New Could have Re-implement Update storage index [File Abstraction Layer] File Abstraction Layer (FAL) Actions
99625 Feature New Could have Redirect Management: search for resulting slugs in targets Redirect Handling Actions
78412 Feature New Could have registerUserTSConfigFile() Backend User Interface Actions
38512 Feature Accepted Could have Shortcut page default mode Backend User Interface Actions
89417 Feature New Could have Snippets/components in form definitions Form Framework Actions
80129 Feature New Could have Support multiple file uploads in EXT:form Form Framework Actions
75358 Feature New Could have Synchronize Inline Relations pid field when aggregate pid has been changed Extbase Actions
75649 Feature New Could have Transfer Selection when editing the be user rights Backend User Interface Actions
26139 Feature New Could have un-/hide multiple records with one click Backend User Interface Actions
77990 Feature Accepted Could have Visible Access Check for BE-Users and their given DB-Mounts Backend User Interface Actions
93981 Feature Under Review Should have Google webp and Apple heic/heif support for TYPO3 - Make default targetfileextensions for processed images configurable Content Rendering Actions
98953 Feature New Should have "Go to list module" hint in not folder pages Backend User Interface Actions
99435 Feature New Should have "Show"-button in recordlist if TCEMAIN.preview.<tableName> is configured Actions
98435 Feature New Should have [Forms - BE Module interface] Add a field selector to the recipients items Backend User Interface Actions
98374 Feature New Should have [UI] Translating sys_file_metadata Backend User Interface Actions
94284 Feature Needs Feedback Should have <> is broken (no localization in Backend) Actions
101125 Feature New Should have Ability to convert Domain Models to Array Extbase Actions
82019 Feature New Should have Accept array instead of CSV in TCA System/Bootstrap/Configuration Actions
87150 Feature New Should have Access to select option labels Form Framework Actions
99418 Feature Accepted Should have Activate recycler module by default after a TYPO3 installation Backend User Interface Actions
89382 Feature New Should have Add "@scope session" to extbase for object serialization Extbase Actions
91783 Feature Under Review Should have Add "allow list" for php.ini setting disable_functions Install Tool Actions
85407 Feature New Should have Add "datetimesec" eval option for type="input" renderType="inputDateTime" FormEngine aka TCEforms Actions
95460 Feature New Should have Add "eval" to allowOverrideMatrix Miscellaneous Actions
101511 Feature New Should have Add "Maintenance > Flush Cache" to "Clear Cache" Dropdown Backend User Interface Actions
81310 Feature Accepted Should have Add "select all records in all pages" button to Recycler Recycler Actions
98255 Feature New Should have Add „float“ evaluation option for TCA type „input“ FormEngine aka TCEforms Actions
103414 Feature New Should have Add a date selection to backend search Actions
103810 Feature New Should have add a general viewhelper which allow you to use nearly all php-function for manipulating strings in fluid Actions
99419 Feature New Should have Add a recycler module access icon in the header toolbar list Backend User Interface Actions
99311 Feature New Should have Add a redirect option in FrontendUserAuthenticator Middleware Miscellaneous Actions
86295 Feature New Should have Add a TYPO3 JavaScript frontend API Frontend Actions
100723 Feature New Should have Add additional information to the record using PageContentPreviewRenderingEvent Backend API Actions
91933 Feature Under Review Should have Add an option to include the poster attribute in VideoTagRenderer Content Rendering Actions
89590 Feature New Should have Add an option to jump to specific areas in the backend Backend User Interface Actions
94421 Feature New Should have Add automatic darkmode for the backend Backend User Interface Actions
101391 Feature Under Review Should have Add base64 option to ImageViewHelper Fluid Actions
98074 Feature Needs Feedback Should have Add class dropdown to regular linkbrowser Backend User Interface Actions
96033 Feature New Should have Add configuration for mail server failover Actions
103706 Feature Under Review Should have Add configuration option to allow setting a default/pre-selected option for the list view search box recursion Backend User Interface Actions
62091 Feature New Should have Add conflict handling to FAL create methods File Abstraction Layer (FAL) Actions
103769 Feature New Should have Add created by (cruser_id) for redirects Redirect Handling Actions
93452 Feature Under Review Should have Add CSRF protection for frontend forms (ext:form) Form Framework Actions
63897 Feature New Should have Add DataHandler-option enableSuccessLogging to disable logging of successful actions Performance Actions
91493 Feature New Should have Add documentary and improve warnings for "Server Response on static files" check Reports Actions
98209 Feature Under Review Should have add enum support for extbase `UriBuilder` Extbase Actions
103843 Feature Under Review Should have Add Event before content of FluidEmail gets rendered Mailer API Actions
98239 Feature New Should have Add EventListener for EXT:form FormDefinition Form Framework Actions
94526 Feature New Should have Add filter to selectSingle type (TCA) FormEngine aka TCEforms Actions
85254 Feature New Should have Add fixed time option to DatePicker field configuration Form Framework Actions
102683 Feature New Should have Add FlexForm registration for Extbase plugins to configuration file Actions
84566 Feature New Should have Add FormProtection API to form framework Form Framework Actions
97276 Feature New Should have Add frame to Page Module to display frontend in real-time Backend User Interface Actions
97555 Feature New Should have Add helper button to generate title from filename Backend User Interface Actions
(1-100/768) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

Also available in: Atom CSV PDF