



Hierarchical Issues

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# Tracker Status Priority Category Subject Assignee Target version
101561 Story New -- undefined -- Localization DataHandler related translation issues Actions
101566 Story New -- undefined -- Extbase related translation issues Actions
101560 Story New -- undefined -- Localization FlexForm related translation issues Actions
101565 Story New -- undefined -- Frontend related translation issues Actions
101557 Epic New -- undefined -- Localization Translation Handling Findings Actions
47362 Bug New Won't have this time Extbase Category Model must support items property Actions
82730 Bug Under Review Won't have this time FormEngine aka TCEforms Opening record in backend painfully slow with foreign table and large main table Actions
103699 Feature In Progress Could have Backend User Interface Introduce Alert web component Marcin Sągol 13.2 Actions
103758 Feature In Progress Could have Backend User Interface Allow assigning users directly to the backend group from the group settings Marcin Sągol 13 LTS Actions
102979 Feature New Could have Form Framework EXT:form Improvement: Make list of forms sortable and filterable 13 LTS Actions
83074 Bug Accepted Could have Database API (Doctrine DBAL) The inSet (FIND_IN_SET) function generates invalid SQL Actions
81427 Feature New Could have Backend User Interface Acces List > Expand All Accordeons Actions
88908 Feature New Could have Backend User Interface Add "migration wizard" when changing CType of content elements Actions
62866 Feature New Could have Fluid Styled Content Add additional features to "lightbox" click enlarge link Actions
82993 Feature New Could have Link Handling, Site Handling & Routing Add custom processing API for TCEMAIN.preview Actions
83395 Feature New Could have Form Framework Add error handling for finishers Actions
87694 Feature Accepted Could have Backend API Add identity property to TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Template\Components\Buttons\AbstractButton Actions
52231 Feature New Could have Extbase Add new validator for equality between two values Actions
84975 Feature New Could have Backend User Interface Add option to BE SplitButton component to right align dropdown items Actions
68202 Feature New Could have Import/Export (T3D) Add option to keep user/group permissons when importing pages Actions
97563 Feature New Could have FormEngine aka TCEforms Add rendering option to `select` fields to hide them if only 1 value selectable Actions
97835 Bug New Could have Fluid Allow invalid Fluid tags inside f:comment Actions
88811 Feature New Could have Extbase Allow the use of variable from a actioncontroller in section "headerAssets" and "footerAssets" Actions
97991 Feature New Could have Allow unset variables in site configuration Actions
90674 Epic In Progress Could have Backend User Interface Backend UI not reflecting permissions Actions
85157 Feature New Could have Backend User Interface Change Title tag / Favicon per BE module Actions
81676 Feature New Could have RTE (rtehtmlarea + ckeditor) CKeditor - set table classes only in YAML file without adjusting lib.parseFunc_RTE settings Actions
100817 Bug Accepted Could have RTE (rtehtmlarea + ckeditor) CKEditor 5 dropdown "replace" hides content Actions
88306 Bug Needs Feedback Could have RTE (rtehtmlarea + ckeditor) CKEditor not loading since 9.5.6 Actions
99669 Epic In Progress Could have RTE (rtehtmlarea + ckeditor) CKEditor5 Collection Actions
78546 Bug New Could have Extbase CollectionValidator is not automatically assigned to ObjectStorage parameters of an action Actions
86548 Feature New Could have AdminPanel Copy / paste Frontend URL and open in Backend Actions
58705 Bug New Could have Image Cropping data-type-gettext-file inside FILES renderObj GIFBUILDER Actions
79070 Bug New Could have DataHandler aka TCEmain DataHandler-> checkValue_group_select_processDBdata will process empty values Actions
75890 Bug New Could have Backend User Interface editor with only read access to page - some interface improvements Actions
44001 Feature Accepted Could have Backend User Interface Enhance usability of Web / Access in the BackEnd Actions
102978 Task Under Review Could have Form Framework EXT:form Improvement: Do not render pencil Icons for forms that are not editable Actions
103266 Feature New Could have Form Framework EXT:form Improvement: Introduce Possibility for Validators at form level Actions
85772 Bug New Could have Form Framework EXT:form SaveToDatabaseFinisher cannot handle multi value fields Actions
87812 Bug New Could have Backend User Interface Feature TSconfig options.saveDocClose Actions
87117 Feature Accepted Could have Link Handling, Site Handling & Routing FormEngine: disable/hide not used/necessary form elements fields automatically based on site configuration Actions
83962 Feature New Could have Backend User Interface Idea: Presets for backend rights Actions
103154 Feature New Could have Install Tool Ignore tables during database analysis Actions
57417 Feature New Could have Fluid ImageViewHelper responsive Images Actions
5718 Feature New Could have Extbase Implement File upload support Actions
85939 Feature New Could have TypoScript Implement integrity-argument for link-tags in includeCSS Actions
82959 Feature New Could have Backend User Interface Improve the appearance of tabs in mobile devices using "priority navigation" pattern Actions
61189 Feature Accepted Could have Install Tool Install Tool: add example for systemLocale Actions
96648 Feature Accepted Could have Backend User Interface Let users choose the BE language on login Actions
82206 Story New Could have Backend User Interface list module enhancements/bugfixes Actions
(1-50/3011) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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