



Extbase Issues

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# Status Tracker Subject Assignee Author Parent task Is Regression Tags Affected Version
  New 129 Collapse all/Expand all
47362 New Bug Category Model must support items property Alexander Schnitzler No Actions
88811 New Feature Allow the use of variable from a actioncontroller in section "headerAssets" and "footerAssets" Dieter Porth Actions
75358 New Feature Synchronize Inline Relations pid field when aggregate pid has been changed Philipp Wrann Actions
55508 New Feature Implement CSRF Protection in Extbase URI builder and request handler Helmut Hummel Actions
52231 New Feature Add new validator for equality between two values Clément MICHELET Actions
5718 New Feature Implement File upload support Alexandre Martinez Actions
78546 New Bug CollectionValidator is not automatically assigned to ObjectStorage parameters of an action Viktor Livakivskyi No Actions
66064 New Bug Use configurationBuilder for generating propertyMappingConfiguration in controller arguments Bernhard Kraft No Actions
63482 New Bug Query constraint on a DateTime field with a DateTime argument should trigger date format Clément MICHELET Epic #77562 No Actions
48701 New Bug setChildTableName regards only $columnConfiguration['foreign_table'] Gernot Schulmeister No Actions
90129 New Epic [Extbase] Issues regarding hidden or deleted records Alexander Schnitzler Actions
86307 New Epic Extbase allows to fetch deleted/hidden records (respects ignoreEnableFields) Tymoteusz Motylewski Actions
102045 New Task The LocalizationUtility should handle ValueError Exceptions thrown by sprintf Philipp Wrann Actions
101292 New Task Introduce type declarations in PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface Alexander Schnitzler Alexander Schnitzler Actions
100136 New Task ObjectConverter should infer property types from properties, not from setters Alexander Schnitzler Alexander Schnitzler Actions
97559 New Task Attributes: Use constructor parameter per property instead of an array Markus Pircher Actions
94961 New Task Add automatic mapping for tstamp and crdate fields Xavier Perseguers Actions
70020 New Task @transient properties should be ignored when checking if object is dirty Philipp Wrann Actions
101404 New Feature Extbase support for JSON TCA fields Alexander Schnitzler Alexander Schnitzler Actions
101125 New Feature Ability to convert Domain Models to Array Aristeidis Karavas extbase, domain, model, array Actions
100808 New Feature Out of the box Domain Model extendibility Aristeidis Karavas extbase, extendibility, extend, domain, model Actions
100796 New Feature Hook required because dynamic domain properties rendered not-persistable due to new design of Backend.php - method "insertObject" Oliver Kleinecke Backend Actions
97689 New Feature Resolve file relation on JsonView configuration Aristeidis Karavas extbase, JsonView Actions
97323 New Feature Extbase queries should respect the pages.hidden field when respecting storage pages Stefan P Actions
92705 New Feature Provide API for developers to adjust registered Extbase plugins Daniel Siepmann Actions
90133 New Feature Extbase: configurable 404 handling for missing action parameters Christian Eßl Actions
89382 New Feature Add "@scope session" to extbase for object serialization Jan Kornblum extbase, session, scope, @scope session, object, serialization Actions
88734 New Feature Extbase: M:N Relation – Sorting of Child Model Records by $defaultOrderings Hagen Gebauer relation, m:n Actions
81114 New Feature Missing bitwise operations in Extbase QueryBuilder Viktor Livakivskyi Actions
77025 New Feature f:form: Disable referrer information Christian Weiske Actions
75404 New Feature Introduce generic _translationParent Property for AbstractDomainObject Philipp Wrann Actions
32051 New Feature Concat ordering for Database request Anonymous Actions
103434 New Bug Extbase should check for property, not getter first Benni Mack Actions
103377 New Bug Extbase Backend Module Exception if page with UID same as sys_file_storage does not exist Oliver Eglseder Extbase, Exception, File Module, Filelist, navigation component Actions
103078 New Bug Extbase form sent via get always leads to chash error Nicole Zingg Actions
103063 New Bug Extbase repository does not respect fallback chain Jens Bergau Actions
103040 New Bug Cache an extbase queryResult leads to "Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed" Bill Dagou Actions
102635 New Bug \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository->findByUid does not respect defaultQuerySettings This Mächler Repository, Extbase, findByUid, querySettings, defaultQuerySettings Actions
102567 New Bug Send 400 Bad Request in case of Extbase POST request with missing argument Daniel Siepmann Actions
102529 New Bug Properly support HTTP Status Code 201 within extbase Daniel Siepmann Actions
102380 New Bug Resolve correct page UID in BackendConfigurationManager Stefan Froemken Actions
102364 New Bug RequestBuilder::build unnesting $fileParameters one level to much Sebastian Fischer Yes Actions
102361 New Bug form multiple breaks RequestParameters Philipp Parzer Actions
102355 New Bug Extbase resolves all 1:n relations even though count indicates no releations Alexander Schnitzler Actions
102354 New Bug Extbase creates new prepared statement for each query Alexander Schnitzler Actions
102299 New Bug Incomprehensible behavior: Entity in a forward argument C. Gogolin Actions
102246 New Bug Conflicting parameters in UriBuilder Bill Dagou Actions
101541 New Bug The type of validator options is not respected Stefan P Actions
100797 New Bug Submitting null to an ObjectStorage Property results in TypeError Daniel Hoffmann Actions
100769 New Bug No Sorting when no Language-Field is shown Harald Holzmann Actions
(1-50/174) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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